Get involved!
Already over 100 public-private organizations from 17 European countries joined us. Now we need you too to accelerate!
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Co-operative working groups, hospitals and academic institutions are invited to collaborate and contribute data to the HARMONY Alliance.
What can we offer you? By becoming an Associated Member of HARMONY, you can:
- Submit research proposals for HARMONY’s blood cancers;
- Become a member of a dedicated research group that includes skilled data scientists;
- Contribute to scientific publications under the umbrella of HARMONY;
- Be compensated for your efforts in sharing your data;
- Contribute to improving outcomes for individuals with blood cancer
Watch our video about who we are and what we can offer you >
Download our one-page fact sheet to read more on how the joining process works >
Please send us an email expressing your interest.
If you are interested in contributing to HARMONY in some form other than providing data, contact us to explore other possibilities to join the HARMONY Alliance.
HARMONY Coordination Office: Santiago Moralejo del Arco, Project Manager
- +34 616 222 324 |
- p/a Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL) | Edificio Virgen de la Vega, 10ª planta | Paseo de San vicente 58-182 | 37007 Salamanca, Spain
HARMONY Communications Office: Ellen de Waal, Communications Manager
- +31 70 3020099 |
- p/a European Hematology Association (EHA) | Koninginnegracht 12 | 2514 AA The Hague | The Netherlands
Connect online