Home> News> ASH 2024: HARMONY Alliance activities at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology

ASH 2024: HARMONY Alliance activities at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology

November 27, 2024 13:03 - x 00, 0 - 00:00

#bigdataforbloodcancer, AML, MM, Other events, Research

HARMONY Alliance experts will participate and present in different forums in the framework of the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology

Saturday 7th 

This 90-minute special-interest session will focus on the ASH Research Collaborative’s Multiple Myeloma Program’s efforts to accelerate research and collaborative clinical care in hematologic malignancies. Three topics will describe the ASH Research Collaborative’s approach to aggregating and visualizing real-world data (RWD) in multiple myeloma in a US-based, multi-site network; a proof-of-concept study with a hybrid decentralized workflow that was conducted in the ASH RC Myeloma Network this year; and new directions for RWD analysis in hematologic malignancies, including the use of artificial intelligence. A panel will then highlight work that is being done by the European HARMONY Alliance and other real-world data registries.

Sunday 8th 

Link to the full program of the HARMONY Alliance Session

Monday 9th 

HARMONY Alliance collaborators will be presenting scientific results in two oral presentations.

Link to the annual meeting website >

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