In 2023, the HARMONY Alliance research and data science teams utilized the HARMONY Big Data Platform with its innovative data analytic tools to address pressing clinical inquiries, such as:
Sharing data and exploration tools
We are reaping the benefits of our research infrastructure that facilitates data-driven research projects. Our data lake has expanded considerably, now having identified more than 165,000 data sets and having transferred over 115,000 anonymized data to the HARMONY Big Data Platform.
Our cutting-edge data processing pipeline ensures data safety and quality, as well as patient privacy. We developed more sophisticated data analytic tools, allowing scientists to answer research questions that cannot be addressed with other methods.
Sharing knowledge
Our experts have shared their knowledge at international events, through our community and our communication channels in 2023. We actively participated in the annual congresses of the European Hematology Association (EHA2023), the European Myeloma Network (EMN2023), the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT2023) and the American Society for Hematology (ASH2023).
We raised awareness of the meaning of ‘Big Data’ in clinical blood cancer research for patients during Blood Cancer Awareness Month in September 2023.
Seven years of intense collaboration
Click on the images or links below and listen to our partners sharing their vision and experiences.
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Ready for the future
Over the past seven years, the HARMONY Alliance (IMI-HARMONY and IMI-HARMONY PLUS) has revolutionized the use of big data to accelerate developments in treating and managing patients with Hematological Malignancies. We have built a robust, open, collaborative research community that leverages big data to improve patient care.
The EU grant phase (European Commission’s Innovative Health Initiative, IHI, formerly known as IMI) that made this possible will end in 2024. Thanks to the strong commitment and drive of the multi-stakeholder partners and members involved in HARMONY, we have the unique opportunity to continue our work as a non-profit, collaborative research foundation. This new foundation will build upon the achievements of the HARMONY Alliance and bring hematology research and patient care to the next level.
Let us meet again in 2024!
We are looking forward to continue working with you and wish you all the best for 2024.
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