Home> Work Package 2: Outcomes Definition

Work Package 2: Outcomes Definition


WP2 is developing Core Outcome Sets (COS) for Hematological Malignancies (HMs). COS are minimum sets of outcomes to be measured in future clinical trials in HMs, agreed upon by the stakeholders of HARMONY PLUS. These are established using Delphi Surveys. WP2 will further define the COS that were developed during the initial HARMONY action, incorporating novel technological and therapeutic developments. In addition, WP2 will develop COS for the new HMs that are included in HARMONY PLUS. This will guide novel research questions and facilitate patient-centered care and value-based healthcare systems.


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View the HARMONY Alliance Delphi Projects >

Work Package Partners

Charite (Lead), IECSCYL, Hospital La Fe, GMV, UNIBO, LeukaNET, UULM, ELN, EMC, UNAV, UNITO, VUMC, UCAM, ERIC, LYSA, LMU, GFM, FISiM-ETS, UNEW, OPBG, EBMT, NICE, AEMPS, BfArM, Celgene, Bayer, Menarini, Pfizer.