Home> Work Package 4: Involvement of Patients, HTA and Regulators

Work Package 4: Involvement of Patients, HTA and Regulators


WP4 engages patients and regulators in developing HARMONY PLUS research projects and implementing the results of the research projects. In addition, WP4 supports the decision-making process for market access and reimbursement of novel drugs for Hematologic Malignancies. This is done by identifying regulatory and Health Technology Assessment consultation mechanisms useful for HARMONY visibility and recognition, and by developing a proof-of-principle project using one of these consultation mechanisms.


Work Package Partners

LeukaNET, IECSCYL, Hospital La Fe, Charite, EHA, IJC, GPOH, EBMT, NICE, AEMPS, BfArM, Novartis, Celgene, Menarini, Pfizer.

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