Home> Work Package 5: Project Communication

Work Package 5: Project Communication


WP5 ensures the implementation of HARMONY PLUS results by optimizing the flow and exchange of knowledge, information, and guidance to various target audiences. Internal communication activities will promote co-operation and engagement of the Partners. External communication activities will ensure the dissemination of progress and results to relevant stakeholder groups. This will maximize the project’s impact on accelerating the development of new drugs and therapies for HM patients. The communication activities are built on and benefit from the fundamentals established by the initial HARMONY project [LINK]. 


Work Package Partners

EHA (Lead), IECSCYL, Hospital La Fe, GMV, UNIBO, LeukaNET, Synapse, NICE, Novartis, Pfizer.

Learn more about the HARMONY PLUS communication strategy >

Read the HARMONY Alliance - HARMONY & HARMONY PLUS - Manifesto > (2023)

Check out the HARMONY Alliance - Become involved flyer > (2023)

Read the lastest edition of the HARMONY Alliance brochure > (March 2024)