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HARMONY exhibiting at ÖPPM "Joining Forces for Personalized Medicine 2nd Annual Meeting"

Graz, Austria

October 11, 2018 09:00 - October 12, 2018 - 17:00

Based on the abstract entitled "IMI HARMONY - Big Data in treating Hematologic Malignancies", HARMONY has been selected for an ÖPPM exhibition booth. HARMONY will be represented by the Medical University of Vienna, one of the 53 HARMONY Partners. The 2n Annual Conference of the ÖPPM will take place from 11 -12 October 2018 at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. ÖPPM is the abbreviation for the Austrian Platform for Personalized Medicine.

Link to the ÖPPM 2018 program >

Link to the HARMONY Abstract > 

Link to the ÖPPM website >

At ÖPPM 2018 the HARMONY Alliance is represented by Christiane Druml and Klaus Wassermann from the Medical University of Vienna. Dr. Druml is Leader of HARMONY Work Package 8: Legal Issues, Ethics, and Governance.

Personalized medicine is one of the grand societal challenges of the present and future. To strengthen the nation-wide interdisciplinary and strategic collaboration in the field of personalized medicine, the Austrian Platform for Personalized Medicine (ÖPPM) was founded by the three Medical Universities of Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck and the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The Austrian Platform for Personalized Medicine constitutes a national networking platform aiming to connect all stakeholders and interested parties in the field. The platform is open to individuals and organizations that would like to contribute to the future of personalized medicine in Austria and beyond. The Austrian Platform for Personalized Medicine is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

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