HARMONY Alliance Foundation at EHA Congress 2025
HARMONY Alliance Foundation at ASH Annual Meeting 2025
HARMONY Alliance Foundation at ELN Symposyum
HARMONY Session at ELN Breakfast Meeting
66th Anual Meeting American Society of Hematology
2024 Annual Meeting of the German, Austrian and Swiss Societies for Hematology and Medical Oncology
EHA2024 Hybrid Congress
HARMONY Alliance participates in the 5th SIOP-CCI Europe Annual Meeting
HARMONY Alliance participates in EMN2024
HARMONY Alliance participates in EBMT2024
HARMONY Alliance participates in the 8th symposium on APL
HARMONY Alliance participates in ELN Symposium
HARMONY Alliance Bootcamp early-career hematologists
HARMONY Alliance particiates in XVIII Congresso Nazionale SIES 2024
Joint HMA/EMA multi-stakeholder workshop on Patient Registries
65th Annual Meeting American Society for Hematology
HARMONY Alliance abstract presentation at ISPOR Europe 2023
European conference to reflect the influence of Personalised Medicine in the evolution of healthcare
HARMONY Alliance General Assembly 2023 [HARMONY & HARMONY PLUS]
HARMONY Alliance session at EHA2023
HARMONY Alliance participates in EBMT2023
HARMONY Alliance participates in EMN2023
HARMONY Alliance participates in the ELN symposium
HARMONY Alliance participates in ASH2022
HARMONY Alliance General Assembly 2022 [HARMONY & HARMONY PLUS]
HARMONY Expert presenting at workshop ELI T-cell lymphoma in Europe
HARMONY presents at the Functional Precision Medicine for Blood Cancer Workshop & Symposium
HARMONY Alliance internal webinar: Patients in science
HARMONY Alliance participates in EHA2022
HARMONY Delphi Consensus Meeting for HL and WM
HARMONY PLUS Delphi Consensus Meeting for CML and MPN
HARMONY Alliance participates in 3rd EMN meeting
HARMONY Alliance participates in EBMT2022
HARMONY Delphi Hackathon for CML, HL, MPN, WM | Round 2
HARMONY Alliance participates in 18th ELN symposium
HARMONY Delphi Hackathon for CML, HL, MPN, WM | Round 1
HARMONY Alliance will present results at the ASH annual meeting 2021
HARMONY abstracts presented at ISPOR Europe 2021
HARMONY Alliance General Assembly [HARMONY & HARMONY PLUS]
HARMONY participates in national congress of the Italian Society of Hematology
HARMONY participates in IMI Impact on Patient Involvement event
HARMONY Alliance will participate in MDS2021
HARMONY participates in the biennial international Virtual Workshop on CLL
HARMONY Partner European LeukemiaNet organizes annual symposium
Invitation for clinicians: participate in the EHA2021-HARMONY live session
HARMONY presents at EAPM EU Presidency conference
HARMONY participates in the International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma
HARMONY participates in IMI data event
HARMONY participates in the EHA2021 Virtual Congress
HARMONY to present at the Precision Medicine in Hematology symposium
[Workshop postponed] HARMONY organizes special workshop for bone marrow transplant professionals
HARMONY organizes internal workshop for its Patient Cluster
HARMONY presenting at CCI Europe Conference 2021/SIOPE annual meeting.
HARMONY MDS coordinators presenting at symposium organized by Latin-American MDS Group and Latin-American MDS Foundation
HARMONY presenting at the International Conference of the Korean Society of Hematology (ICKSH2021)
HARMONY presenting at the 47th EMBT Annual Meeting
HARMONY Alliance session at the European LeukemiaNet Meeting
HARMONY Alliance to attend 2nd European Myeloma Network meeting
HARMONY Alliance Virtual Meet up for all HARMONY and HARMONY PLUS community members
HARMONY Alliance to attend ASH 2020
HARMONY presenting at virtual annual meeting of Health Cluster Portugal
HARMONY Partner NICE presenting iposter at ISPOR Europe 2020
HARMONY presenting at conference for European Health Data Space and Real-World Evidence
5th HARMONY General Assembly
HARMONY Alliance to present at the European Leukemia Net Meeting
HARMONY Alliance to attend EBMT 2020
HARMONY-EHA webinar on AML: The power of integrating harmonized AML patient data in hematology research
HARMONY Alliance to attend 25th EHA Virtual Annual Congress
HARMONY-EHA webinar: The power of integrating harmonized COVID-19 patient data in hematology research
Webinar: HARMONY to deliver talk at MPE virtual meeting 2020
HARMONY Alliance to attend joint EHA-EBMT meeting in 2020
HARMONY Partner EHA to attend HNHCP conference 2020
HARMONY Alliance to attend ASH 2019
HARMONY Alliance participates in BioDataWorld 2019 with IMI Big Data Projects: EHDEN, PIONEER, BigData@Heart, ROADMAP.
HARMONY presenting at the Inaugural Cancer Precision Medicine Forum 2019
HARMONY presenting at the 12th edition Medaffairs Leaders Forum Europe
HARMONY Partner NICE presenting scientific poster at ISPOR Europe 2019
HARMONY Partners present at ESMO 2019 congress
HARMONY Alliance: 4th General Assembly for Partners and Associated Members
HARMONY present at the 18th International Workshop on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (iwCLL)
HARMONY represented at the 17th International Myeloma Workshop
HARMONY represented at ECCO2019: European Cancer Summit
Let's meet in Amsterdam at the 24th Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association.
Let's connect at ASCO2019 organized by the American Society of Clinical Oncology
HARMONY best practice presentation at IMI project communication event
HARMONY participates in 16th European LeukemiaNet Symposium
Masterclass HARMONY Patient Cluster
HARMONY presents at IMI Networking event Luxembourg
HARMONY Alliance at ASH2018: 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology
2nd EAPM Annual Congress organized by HARMONY Partner: European Alliance for Personalised Medicine
HARMONY present at the BD4BO General Assembly
HARMONY is presenting at the IMI 10th Anniversary Scientific Symposium
HARMONY participating in BD4BO "In Data we trust" Symposium
HARMONY exhibiting at ÖPPM "Joining Forces for Personalized Medicine 2nd Annual Meeting"
HARMONY Alliance: 3rd General Assembly for Partners and Associated Members
HARMONY participates in IPAP'18: 1st World Congress of Faculties of Pharmacy
BD4BO webinar "Leapfrogging Legacy Processes for Data Driven Decision Making"
HARMONY presenting at ECCO2018
HARMONY presenting at IMI breakfast debate hosted by MEP Soledad Cabezon Ruiz, about BigData & Health
See you in Stockholm? Let's connect at the 23rd Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA23).
HARMONY Partner presenting at BD4BO/DO-IT webinar on outcomes standardization.
HARMONY present at Bio-IT World Conference & Expo 2018
Meet HARMONY at the First European Myeloma Network Meeting
BD4BO participating in DIA Europe 2018: Has the Time for Big/Real World Data Finally Arrived?
HARMONY Participating in the Inaugural AACR International Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research
HARMONY Partners involved in EHA-SWG: Scientific Meeting about Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
HARMONY presenting at X International Florence Meeting on Hematology
HARMONY session at 6th Annual Presidency Conference 2018 of EAPM
HARMONY presenting at OHDSI 1st Annual European Symposium
HARMONY session at the 15th Annual ELN-Symposium
HARMONY Partner EBMT is organizing its 44th Annual Meeting 2018
HARMONY Executive Committee Members will present at the first BD4BO Group Meeting in 2018
HARMONY presenting at the R&D Data Intelligence Leaders Forum
HARMONY Alliance at ASH2017: 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology
DIGITAL HEALTH: The impact of Big Data & AI on EU healthcare systems, a public conference
HARMONY Interactive Session at the 1st European Alliance for Personalised Medicine Congress.
HARMONY Workshop: Meaningful Outcomes for HMs
Attending the ISPOR 20th Annual European Congress.
HARMONY Alliance: 2nd General Assembly
1st General Assembly DO-IT
Shaping the future of pediatrics.
22nd Congress of the European Hematology Association
Public-private partnership for Big Data in Hematology
HARMONY and HARMONY PLUS are funded through the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), Europe's largest public-private initiative aiming to speed up the development of better and safer medicines for patients. Funding is received from the IMI 2 Joint Undertaking and is listed under grant agreement for HARMONY No. 116026 and grant agreement for HARMONY PLUS No. 945406. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
HARMONY Coordination Office
Institute of Biomedical Research of
Salamanca (IBSAL)
Salamanca, Spain
HARMONY Communications
European Hematology Association (EHA)
The Hague, The Netherlands