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HARMONY Alliance participates in 18th ELN symposium

Mannheim, Germany

March 15, 2022 08:00 - March 15, 2022 - 19:00

HARMONY Experts will present and participate in the 18th Symposium of the European LeukemiaNet /21st Symposium of the Kompetenznetz Leukämien, organized in-person in Mannheim, Germany at the Congress Center Rosengarten, on March 15th, 2022. 

ELN is a publicly funded research network of excellence that aims to improve the treatment of leukemia through coordinated research efforts across Europe. ELN is a HARMONY and HARMONY PLUS Partner.

Topics to be addressed and discussed at the ELN-HARMONY session

HARMONY Expert speakers

More information and valuable downloads about HARMONY Alliance Leukemia research

HARMONY Partner Rüdiger Hehlmann, Professor of Medicine and founder/chair of the European LeukemiaNet: "HARMONY is focusing on a broad range of blood cancers, including acute and chronic leukemias, and the ELN has has joined HARMONY from the start. By assembling anonymized data sets of thousands of patients into the unique HARMONY Big Data Platform, we can characterize the molecular landscape of these diseases, understand their pathophysiology, and identify novel drug targets. In addition, it will allow us to reliably predict disease course and drug response for subgroups of patients. HARMONY’s results should ultimately provide tools for healthcare professionals to rapidly select the most promising treatment for an individual patient with leukemia."

#bigdataforbloodcancer: Accelerating Better and Faster Treatment for Patients with Hematologic Malignancies.

The HARMONY Alliance (HARMONY and HARMONY PLUS) is a public-private European Network of Excellence for Big Data in Hematology. Our mission is to unlock and spread valuable knowledge on hematologic malignancies (blood cancers) among a large number of stakeholders, with the goal to harness and mine Big Data to speed up the development of improved treatments for patients and more effective treatment strategies.

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