Home> News> Special report Financial Times: EU’s Innovative Medicines Initiative brings collaborative power to development of drugs

Special report Financial Times: EU’s Innovative Medicines Initiative brings collaborative power to development of drugs

November 20, 2018 12:04 - x 00, 0 - 00:00

IMI brings groups together, extends their reach beyond Europe and helps prepare for digital disruption.

Read the special report in the Financial Times about IMI, the Innovative Medicines Ininiative, funder of the HARMONY Alliance: 

The EU’s Innovative Medicines Initiative has proved an important force for change over the first decade of its existence in streamlining the complex, expensive and risky process of medicines development. IMI was created in 2008 as a partnership to increase the competitiveness of research and development in the European biopharma sector by encouraging companies to work with each other and with the public sector. Its new strategy has a still broader mandate to bring groups involved in health together, extend its reach beyond Europe and prepare for digital disruption.

When the IMI began, many questioned whether companies would feel comfortable sharing their data and knowledge. More than 100 projects later, IMI has created an ecosystem that is catalytic in changing the way modern medicines development is carried out, and has paved the way for accelerated innovation. Over the past decade, the EU and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations have committed €5bn through cash and in-kind support to researchers in companies working alongside academics. This has supported a series of large-scale, ambitious projects.

Read the full FT article >

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