During the General Assembly, the HARMONY Alliance Partners
Is the pharma industry missing the big picture? And can
PRESS RELEASE | HARMONY Alliance: Challenges and
HARMONY actively participated in the Patient Forum of the IMI ...
Working together with patient groups. Sharing the EFPIA Patient ...
Data, data everywhere: the challenges of personalised medicine, ...
For payers and providers to succeed under value-based care,
2nd General Assembly HARMONY Alliance organized on 23 and 24 ...
Digital health data are rapidly expanding to include patient-reported ...
Evidence for Health Decision Making beyond randomized, controlled ...
The Patient Knows Best: Incorporating Patient-Reported Outcomes ...
For healthcare organizations that successfully integrate
HARMONY Partner Bambino Gesù Children’s
HARMONY Partner Novartis shares insight into the HARMONY
DO-IT, the Innovative Medicines Initiative Coordination
Randomised controlled trials provide robust data on
Innovative therapies will be developed and provided in
The HARMONY Alliance will provide the most comprehensive
PRESS RELEASE | HARMONY: Better care of patients with hematologic ...
Public-private partnership for Big Data in Hematology
HARMONY and HARMONY PLUS are funded through the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), Europe's largest public-private initiative aiming to speed up the development of better and safer medicines for patients. Funding is received from the IMI 2 Joint Undertaking and is listed under grant agreement for HARMONY No. 116026 and grant agreement for HARMONY PLUS No. 945406. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
HARMONY Coordination Office
Institute of Biomedical Research of
Salamanca (IBSAL)
Salamanca, Spain
HARMONY Communications
European Hematology Association (EHA)
The Hague, The Netherlands